Chronic inflammation is reportedly at the root of so many of the diseases and conditions that affect us. These include asthma, ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), sinusitis, active hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, and others.
Some dietary fats are known to influence the extent of inflammation. Trans fats, or the hydrogenated oils found in many margarines, French fries, and other fried foods, have been linked to increased inflammation. Saturated fats found in red meat, full-fat dairy, butter, and poultry skin can result in inflammation, as can omega-6 fatty oils including corn, safflower, and cottonseed oils.
Among the dietary choices recommended to lower inflammation are changing your oil to olive oil, going organic, eating a plant-based diet and eliminating altogether or significantly cutting back on red meat, and eliminating or cutting down on refined sugar.